
I'm glad you dropped by. If you are planning an electrical project in the near future and would like some advice on it, I'd be happy to share some of my 35 years of experience with you.

Below you'll find postings on service upgrades, generator installations, and how to chose a contractor. There are a number of electrical contractors in our area who have built a reputation for good work and I'm happy to be one of them. Let me know if you've found anything helpful, or if you have further questions. And you don't need to be a customer to ask!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Electricity as a Hobby?

Every day I see the results of people who are "handy" doing electrical work in their own home or for others. Loose wiring connections, undersized wires, oversized fuses are the result.

Why hire a qualified electrician?

While you are permitted in Ontario to do any work in your home, insurance companies may not cover damage resulting from your cost saving measures. Your brother-in-law may not be conversant on practices for residential work if he's trained as an industrial electrician or maintenance worker. Work must still be inspected by law, and inspection fees for homeowners are substantially higher than for registered contractors.

Many times material is wasted by hobbyists, who are not experienced in laying out circuits. Recessed light fixtures are often improperly installed.

Resale home value is very much affected. The home inspector can spot amateur wiring at the panel, and switches and receptacles at odd locations and heights are a give away that renovations were not done professionally, a definite red flag to home buyers.

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